Finley doing her happy dance (on her back) after shredding
Remember the post about paper? Well, sometimes I let Fin have some old wrapping paper or paper towel rolls now. Last week she got to play with the wrapping paper from the Christmas gifts. I love to watch her ripping the rolls and papers to shreds, even though this means picking up a million little pieces afterwards. She is so happy and animated that I wonder if there’s anything that could top this bliss. You know other than food or treats.

I was going through some stuff in my storage area when Finley wandered in behind me and started sniffing through the piles of stuff I keep there. A few seconds later I hear her run away and there’s just enough time for me to turn around and see that she has something in the mouth, the tube from a roll of wrapping paper. I couldn’t help but laugh when she tried to get through the opening she had to force the tube through.

Since I was stuck behind one of those mountains of stuff I decided to let her play with the tube. This way I would know she wasn’t getting into she wasn’t supposed to. And thus I created a little paper-shredding monster.  She know thinks that any piece of paper that she can get her paws on is fair game and I’ve got her shredding other stuff that she maybe should not have. Too bad her shredding technique isn’t good enough for financial documents and old receipts that I need to get rid of.